

New Edition of Speechless is available for pre-order and will ship out late 2024.

First Edition of Speechless is available to order on Amazon now.

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Growing up in Algiers, Safia never thought her life would transform into the unimaginable. When she and her husband filled out a visa lottery application for the United States in the early ‘90s, they assumed that their chances of acceptance were slim. Little did they know, an envelope that had been sitting on the kitchen table for weeks would completely change their lives and open the door into the land of opportunities.

For years, Safia would embark on a difficult journey of balancing a new culture while trying to preserve her own. When doctors began to introduce the concept of Autism regarding her youngest son Mohamed, she struggled to navigate this unfamiliar territory. Faith is what grounded her, becoming a constant reminder of the countless sacrifices she’s made for her family.

Speechless is a powerful story of immigration and the lengths a mother would go to in order to protect her family in the face of adversity in a foreign country that she learned to call home too.